Watch This Introduction

Happy New Year everyone!

Now that our Into the Book reading plan is over, what's next? Today, we're excited to share our plans for 2021! We're calling it Cross Training — a yearlong discipleship development series for believers of all ages and spiritual maturity levels. We want to become fully trained — cross trained — by the Master Teacher himself (Luke 6:40). To do that, each week we'll focus on four different Dimensions of Discipleship:

Truth — The Lord's teachings shape our thinking.Heart — The Lord's values shape our affections.Action — The Lord's actions shape our behavior.Community — Our connection to the Lord shapes all our relationships.

Every Monday beginning January 4th, we'll tackle a different Element of spiritual growth, taking our cues from Jesus. We'll release a Daily Download podcast episode, post an article on our website, and share a video on social media, just like we did with our Into the Book series in 2020. You can also sign up for our weekly email newsletter! We'll also share five Through the Week Challenges to help keep us motivated.

Read — A few passages to help build your knowledgeReflect — A reflective question to ask yourselfRequest — A prayer you can bring before GodRespond — A step to take that turns your belief into actionReach Out — A discussion to have with those you meet

We'll introduce the series, talking about the four Dimensions of Discipleship in detail in the first four weeks. And then, for the rest of the year, we'll cover twelve Marks of the Master, spending four weeks exploring foundational elements of each one. These Marks include Faith, Dedication, Servanthood, Joy, Reverence, Mercy, Integrity, Watchfulness, Fruitfulness, Endurance, Leadership, and Lifelong Learning.

We're hoping to grow together with you throughout the year in deeper discipleship and service to the Lord. If you've taken a break from the show, now's the time to jump back on board! Find out more information at