Just Do It!

"Aaand … ACTION!" In the last two episodes we talked about the importance of the truth and the heart, but a third dimension of discipleship is action — letting the Lord’s example shape our behavior. We revisit two iconic stories: First we learn from Jesus washing the disciple’s feet. Then, Abraham receives a shocking test in a segment we call Here’s the Story. As we see Jesus on his knees and Isaac on an altar, we recognize our own responsibility to do likewise, serving others and offering ourselves to God.

The Big Idea: Our character is proven by our actions in the moment of trial.

Weekly Challenges: Find this week’s Through the Week challenges here.

Show Notes

Cross Training - “Action Figures” (DAILY DOWNLOAD)Cross Training - Through the Week Challenges - Week 3Like the Teacher: John 13:1-17 (VERSE)Here’s the Story: Genesis 22:1-18 (VERSE)Emergency Broadcast System (WIKIPEDIA)Start Close In by David Whyte (POEM)

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