Face Trials Together

How would your life's biggest trials have turned out without a friend to bear your load? Scripture says “A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity” (Prov. 17:17). This week, in the penultimate episode of this season (and of our Two by Two study), we reflect on the support we find in good companions when everything falls apart. We build an A Team of Friends Through Adversity, learning from the examples of Bible all-stars Ruth & Naomi and Aaron & Hur. Finding Jesus in Galatians 6 leads us back to a Martin Luther sermon about Jesus carrying us on his shoulders. And we reflect on bad days with friends — and how we somehow wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Find all the goodies that go with this series at biblegeeks.fm/twobytwo.

The Big Idea: The hard things in life are made a little bit easier with friends you can count on.

This Week's Challenge: Ask someone how you can carry their load or share yours with them.

Show Notes

"Filthy Fun Runs" (CONVERSATION STARTER)Finding Jesus: Gal. 6:1-5 (VERSE)Two By Two Guided Study (WEBSITE)

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