Love Others as Yourself

What happens when you expect a friend to never let you down or have a fault? How do we stay steady and reliable in our love for others? Here, in session four of our Two By Two study, we get to the heart of friendship. We work through how we look out for each other — from demonstrating mercy to friends to saying “I love you” without making it weird. We’re breaking out some of Scripture’s greatest hits — like the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) and Paul’s great Love Chapter (1 Corinthians 13) — to apply Christlike love to the people in our lives. Go to for all the videos and study guides. And don’t forget to vote at as we wrap up this year's Bible Bracket on favorite stories!

The Big Idea: Love and compassion are the super glue that binds a friendship together.

This Week's Challenge: Ask a friend, "How can I be a better friend to you?"

Show Notes

"World’s Strongest Adhesive" (CONVERSATION STARTER)Jesus Said: Luke 10:25-37 (VERSE)Scripture du Jour: 1 Corinthians 13 (VERSE)Two By Two Guided Study (WEBSITE)

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