Show Patience Like God Does

This week's theme is — wait for it — patience! We notice all the ways we shorten our fuse and short-circuit our brains, inventing villains and moving too fast. Four Proverbs on patience get us thinking about inner warfare and training like Mr. Miyagi. And as Christ bears with Peter, he shows us that sometimes the best way to help is to pray and wait. From a "spoiler alert" on your ending to a head start on your day, we hope this week's episode gives some perspective and helps you grow in Christlike patience!

The Big Idea: Patience means bearing with each other’s shortcomings in humility and love.

Weekly Challenges: Find this week’s Through the Week challenges here.

Show Notes

Cross Training - "TNT" (DAILY DOWNLOAD)Cross Training - Through the Week Challenges - Week 28Like the Teacher: Luke 22:31-34 (VERSE)The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer (BOOK)The Bible Geeks Facebook Group (FACEBOOK)

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