Not Conforming To The World - Bible Daily Devotional

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect”.
Romans 12:2

On my drive to work I don’t usually encounter a whole lot of traffic.

I drive through the woods watching the sunlight filter through the trees in the most beautiful patterns and I often thank God for his creation.

One day, I drove past a wooded area of tall, straight, limbless pine trees and I noticed right smack in the middle is a twisty oak tree.

This tree’s branches twist and turn into all directions, and it definitely didn’t follow the pattern of the other trees.

Seeing this tree reminded me that in a world of evil and unbelief, we cannot be afraid to stand out and be who God created us to be.

We must soak up the son and then tell the whole world of his loving kindness by being set apart.

PRAYER: God help me to be different from the world and not to be afraid to stand out. You made me unique and set apart for a reason and I pray that fear wouldn’t hold me back from spreading your love to those around me. Help me to remember that wide is the path to destruction but narrow is the gate that we should enter into righteousness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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