What is the point of being a disciple? We certainly don't hear a lot about it in churches today with the emphasis from many pulpits is a combination of happy life promises, and moral outrage over whatever the latest conservative news channel is reporting, mixed in with pleas for money.

What an extraordinary shift that is from the message of Jesus, from the first of his ministry when he called followers beyond merely attending his sermons, to joining with him in his life, to one of his final commands where he commanded them to share the life they'd lived for three years and to go and make disciples of all nations and to teach them to obey all he'd taught them.

Regardless of the place of discipleship in many churches today, discipleship was important to Jesus. Disciples, making them, teaching them, living with them, were a priority of his life.

This lesson looks at one passage, Luke 14:15-35 on how Jesus describes in various ways what it means to be a disciple.

Regardless of how important it is to any group we are part of or people we fellowship with, because discipleship is important to Jesus, it needs to be important to us. No matter what the challenges and demands of our life, we need to grow in it. I pray this lesson is useful to help you do that.

If you would like to teach the lesson, the source materials for it are available through the Bible805 Academy (https://www.Bible805Academy.com) where you can download the source PowerPoint, editable notes, questions, the video and podcast without advertisements or distractions, and other related materials. All these materials are available for $2.99 a lesson, $5.99 a month, or $36 a year. There are many lessons on the site and free ones for you to try. As a member of the Bible805 Academy, I grant you permission to make unlimited copies of the materials and to edit them as needed for your audience. They are offered at this extremely low price so that any church, regardless of size or location has access to in-depth Bible teaching resources. If even that cost is too much, simply email me at [email protected] and I'll give you free access. CLICK HERE to go to the Bible805 Academy.