00:00 MN 121 Voidness

00:39:35 SN 41.7 Godatta Sutta P.1325

01:01:45 SN 41.6(2) Kamabhu Sutta P. 1322

May 2, 2022

This talk describes the progressive letting go of each Jhana, one by one going deeper into voidness. It leads to emptiness of experience and ultimately Nibbana. Near the end of the talk Nibbana is explained as to its nature and how it arises. This talk has much discussion and questions toward the end. You may not hear the audience but the answers are worth hearing!

Dhammachariya Delson Armstrong leads his first retreat of the year at Dhamma Sukha on Apr 26 to May 5th ( 10 Days) The practice is TWIM or Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation with the object of Lovingkindness or Metta. Practicing in this way is based on the earliest Buddhist Suttas and leads to the ultimate supra-mundane state Nibbana.

Where: Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center https://www.dhammasukha.org