00:00:00 Spiritual Friend

00:21:27 Radiating to directions

Dhammachariya Delson Armstrong leads his first retreat of the year at Dhamma Sukha, from Apr 26 to May 5th, 2022. This is Day One which just covers instructions for beginners and later some clarifying instructions for more advanced students. This is the practice of TWIM or Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation which is based on the earliest Buddhist Suttas. This is the use of Metta or Lovingkindness in the way it was intended to be used... as a means to attain Nibbana.

Start with TWIM https://www.dhammasukha.org/getting-s...

Where: Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center https://www.dhammasukha.org

A complete guide to the meditation the way the Buddha taught: https://www.thepathtonibbana.com/

How to practice Metta/TWIM Meditation https://www.dhammasukha.org/beginner-...

What are the 6Rs https://www.dhammasukha.org/the-6rs

Delson Armstrong https://www.dhammasukha.org/more-dsmc...

Donate https://www.dhammasukha.org/shop-dona...