Today Grandpa Bill Asks 2 Questions & a Call to Action for BH Sales Kennel Kelp Podcast:

Connecting with the Oversoul through Archangel Ariel

Have you ever experienced a moment of heightened awareness or intuition in nature? Did it lead you to a deeper understanding of yourself or your purpose? Share your story and how it might connect to the concept of the oversoul!
Archangel Ariel is associated with bridging the gap between our conscious minds and oversouls. Do you have a specific practice for connecting with nature or accessing your intuition? Leave a voicemail and inspire others with your techniques!

Share your thoughts and experiences on The BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour Podcast Voicemail Message Board. Let's explore the power of nature and Archangel Ariel together!

Archangel Ariel: Unveiling the Secrets of the Oversoul with Grandpa Bill

Nature's Whisper: Connecting with Your Oversoul Through Archangel Ariel

Manifest Your Destiny: Grandpa Bill Explores Oversoul Guidance with Ariel

Unveiling the Blueprint: Archangel Ariel & the Language of Your Oversoul

Beyond Intuition: A Journey to the Oversoul with Grandpa Bill & Ariel



Grandpa Bill as host of The BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour, will be your anchor in the ever-changing sea of life! We'll explore the power of nature, practical tips for well-being, and even delve into the guidance of Archangel Ariel for manifesting your dreams and connecting with your oversoul.

Share Your Voice!

Leave your voicemail replies at The BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour Podcast Voicemail Message Board. Let's create a wave of positive change together!


Nature's Whisper: Unveiling the Secrets of Holistic Healing with Grandpa Bill
Archangel Ariel's Guidance: Manifesting Wellness and Connecting with Your Oversoul
Dive Deep into Well-being: Grandpa Bill's Holistic Healing Hour with a Touch of Magic

Health Secrets and Life-Sales Strategies with Grandpa Bill

Nourish Your Soul, Boost Your Business:

The BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour Experience


YouTube: Bill Holt@billholt8792

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Seth Leaf Pruzansky Freedom Snap-⁠⁠

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Tim Doyle Path to Oneness- 

Byron Athene -

Isabella Thor,NLP-

Seth Leaf Pruzansky Freedom Snap-⁠⁠