Grandpa Bill talks interaction and community drives.

Which Way are You Going?

Message Board + Leave Your Message at The BH Sales Message Board

More than ever, folks around the world are turning to technology and online communities to connect. 

give people more ways to spend time with friends, family and fellow group members.

Since rolling out #BH Sales Advocacy Plan to more communities, Grandpa Bill has learned a lot about how both community 

 and the fact that not all members of a Group share the exact same interests, and breaking out into smaller discussions lets us ALL connect more closely around the subtopics that matter to ALL of us, collectively and singularly.

What Do We Know About Our “Toys in The Attic?

There is No Mystery to Meditation.

Pleasures allow us to live each day with More #Appreciation and #Vitality. 

#Creativity, #learning, and #Individual differences.

#Serenity Scaping- relaxing and uplifting practices have been shown in a lab to help you cultivate #Calm, #Compassion, #Connection, #Mindfulness, and more — What the latest Science says Will Directly Support Your Well-Being

#Feng Shui., #Mindfulness,

 Create a space that works for you.

We should all start to treat ourselves less harshly when we don't live up to certain expectations, and how to give others grace.

How sharing food with those close to us can help build a sense of community.

Envision & literally See The Whole Situation & The Whole Person

the emotional pull of first-person storytelling with immersive music and gentle mindfulness prompts. 

#Julius Caesar and Mindfulness.

#wisdom,#mindfulness,#spiritual healing,#meditation,#reiki,#energy healing,#wellness,#health,#health and wellness,


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