NLP Hypnotherapy BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour Prelude Overview for upcoming guest Byron Athene

Calling All Healers! Unleash Your Potential with NLP Hypnotherapy!

Join Grandpa Bill on today's BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour as we prelude and overview our upcoming in studio show, when we welcome back a listener favorite, the renowned 11-time returning expert, Byron Athene, Psychotherapist from the UK!

This prelude/overview episode dives deep into the fascinating world of NLP Hypnotherapy. Discovering how this powerful technique combines hypnosis with NLP to unlock your subconscious mind and create lasting positive change.

Grandpa Bill and Byron will explore:

What is NLP Hypnotherapy and how can it benefit your holistic healing journey?
From overcoming anxieties to building unshakeable confidence, learn how NLP Hypnotherapy can empower you to achieve your goals.

We want to hear from YOU!

Have you ever considered hypnosis or NLP? What questions or hesitations do you have?
What specific areas of your life do you think you could benefit most from NLP Hypnotherapy?

Leave us a voicemail on The BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour Voicemail Message Board and share your thoughts!

#NLPHypnotherapy, #HolisticHealing, #UnlockYourPotential, #BHSalesKennelKelpHolisticHealingHour,

What is NLP Hypnotherapy?

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) hypnotherapy combines hypnosis with NLP techniques. Hypnosis helps a client enter a relaxed and focused state, while NLP provides tools to address subconscious patterns that might be limiting them. It focuses on using language and sensory experiences to make positive changes in a person's thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

Key Differences from Traditional Hypnosis:

Focus: Traditional hypnosis often emphasizes deep trance, while NLP Hypnotherapy might use a lighter trance or even a fully conscious state.
Techniques: NLP Hypnotherapy incorporates NLP tools like reframing limiting beliefs, anchoring positive states, and using precise language patterns.

Benefits of NLP Hypnotherapy:

It can address a wide range of issues, including:

Anxiety and phobias
Pain management
Habit control (smoking cessation, nail biting)
Improving performance (sports, public speaking)
Building self-confidence

Talking Points for Your Interview:

Byron's Experience: Discussing his experience using NLP Hypnotherapy and the types of cases he's seen success with.
Applications for Listeners: Exploring how NLP Hypnotherapy could benefit listeners dealing with specific challenges, focusing on the show's theme of holistic healing
Credibility and Safety: Addressing any potential misconceptions about hypnosis and emphasizing the importance of working with a qualified practitioner.

Resources for Listeners:

Mention resources where listeners can learn more about NLP Hypnotherapy and find qualified practitioners (e.g., professional organizations, directories). LISTEN INTO BH SALES ARCHIVAL PODS

Preparing specific questions for Byron based on our audience's interests.
Byron's expertise guides the conversation and GB will keep the discussion focused and engaging for our listeners.

By incorporating this information, we can have a fascinating and informative discussion about NLP Hypnotherapy on the upcoming in studio show!