Today on the BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour & Maine Mentor Moments: Granddaughter Power!

Thanks for joining Grandpa Bill for a special episode of the BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour that doubles as a Maine Mentor Moments segment! Today and in the near future, we flip the script as Grandpa Bill will be learning from my amazing granddaughter, Adah.

She'll be our guide through the exciting worlds of coding, Mandarin language learning, and even podcast production, a bit later this upcoming summer of 2024!

Learning Mandarin: Fun and effective ways for beginners to pick up Mandarin, with a mini-lesson led by your granddaughter!
Coding with a Twist: [Granddaughter's Name] will walk us through the process of creating her mobile app, sharing the challenges and triumphs of her coding journey.
Granddaughter Power! We'll discuss how we're collaborating on the podcast, with [Granddaughter's Name] taking the reins on scripting and editing.

Probing Questions to Spark Listener Interaction:

Have you ever considered learning a new language like Mandarin? What tips would you give someone starting out?
Do you have any experience with coding? What are some ways you see coding skills being valuable in today's world?

Share Your Thoughts!

Leave us a voicemail message at The BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour Voicemail Message Board and let's keep the conversation going!

#granddaughterpower,#learningmandarin,#codingwithgrandkids,#mainementor moments,#summerlearning,#podcastcollaboration,#bhsaleskennelkelpholistichealinghour,