Grandpa Bill Talks about CTFO

14 Days To A Lighter You

Would You Like a Free Sample of ShapeNBurn Plus?

Interested in Improving Your Health & Your Wealth?

Welcome Congratulations on your decision to make a lifestyle shift that can change your future outcome. This Healthy Lifestyle Plan & Food Guide is a safe, doctor-formulated, science-based shift to a healthy lifestyle with support products and education for fast and long-lasting sustainable success. Everyone’s body is different. Which path works best for you is what matters. No matter what you have tried before… there are 3 basic approaches to losing weight: Lower Fat - Avoid foods with higher fat content. Lower Calorie - Restrict calorie intake - burn more calories than you consume. Lower Carb - Avoid foods with higher carbohydrate counts and lean towards higher fat and protein  content foods. Although all of these approaches can and will work, our Healthy Lifestyle Plan leans towards lower carb options as most people have experienced the fastest results. That being said…. our Healthy Lifestyle Program and support products can help you achieve and accelerate your weight loss / health goals with whatever path you’re on. One thing for sure..... You’re gonna LOVE the way you feel!

CTFO wants to help you get the word out about the life-changing product.

CTFO has made it easy to get new customers and associates by passing out samples with a brochure.

REMINDER: The Packets that come in the 60 count bags are perfect for BOTH PERSONAL USE AND SAMPLING


Permanent Weight loss is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Everyone is different. Many people are losing weight taking ShapeNBurn Plus in the first few days. Some it can take weeks and even months.

You don't need to lose weight, but want more energy, feel happier and have better mental clarity, TAKE ONE PILL A DAY.
Want to lose a few pounds,TAKE ONE OR TWO pills a day.
Want to lose a lot of weight, TAKE TWO to THREE pills a day, no more than FOUR.

It is not how fast someones loses weight, but eventually losing and keeping it off WITHOUT SUFFERING is what matters

Some people will find that one green pill a day is all that they need. I have found taking two a day and sometimes three works best for me. There have even been days I take two at the same time. I have already lost 25 pounds in two months.

I recommend trying to start with one pill, and then YOU decide what works best for you. Everyone's body is different. Which path works best for you is what matters.

RECOMMENDED: Replacing a meal with CTFO's Extreme Shake and adding Keto Creamer to your coffee also helps with your weight loss journey.

Is it also recommended to go through the CTFO Healthy Lifestyle Food Guide? Check out the "Just 14 days to a lighter you" guide in your CTFO back office. You can find it in the "Online Library" area in the "Resource" section. While reducing carbs is not mandatory with ShapeNBurn Plus, the Green Pill helps reduce sugar and carbohydrate cravings, along with appetite control, which is extremely helpful for those who struggle to decrease carbs intake.


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