Michael King Oversoul read his news letter!!!- Life Chats: On the Cusp of Change – Our True History and Humanity's Choice

January 19, 2021 9 min read

Disclosure of Our True History Is Central to Our Freedom

Life Chats With Oversoul is an ongoing dialogue designed to gain clarity and direction while navigating the immense changes going into the New Era.

Today's chat focuses on the urgent state of affairs surrounding a world-wide threat against our freedoms as one people, the people of earth.

January 17-19, 2021

Michael: We are in the throes of an attempt at global martial law, a rapidly awakening human populace, extraordinary events surrounding the inauguration, a second potential preplanned, inside attack on the Capitol, and the supposed threat of a fake alien invasion (a few remaining weapons in the arsenal of deep state players).

War against the deep state has been declared to counter these threats. (These two videos cover intelligence briefs on current events as of the morning of 1-19-21)

I am inviting my oversoul and a Council of Light I had previously contacted, whose committed focus is on the common good of all life everywhere, and who are also well appraised of earth-related events and the current situation/battle at play.

I am looking for some insight with respect to what we, the people not directly involved in military or political actions, can do to support an outcome most favorable to the unity and progress of humanity into the New Era of peace and enlightenment.


The Script

Michael: Then, what is the script that we have chosen?

Council: To be present during the revelations of the dark deeds and the disclosure of all that is relevant to the upgrowth of human thought and evolution as one people.

What matters now is that each soul on earth select a desired outcome.

Events will arise, reveal some truth, and pass away. Then new events will arise which surpass the previous in revelations, insights, and even purpose.

The scenes on earth will change according to the intent carried forward by the people.

As new revelations dawn regarding the players that have affected your lives, and about the instruments of destruction and control that have been utilized, the scenes on earth will again be altered.

With such a variety of players operating against the people, and the people having become so numerous, the strategies required to control and reduce the population has grown beyond the true capacity of those still seeking your demise.

Who Controls the Outcome

We cannot change the script without humanity placing a sincere call out to all life everywhere to support a new beginning on earth – one that excludes those forces now creating havoc.

You, the majority of the human race, are truly the ones in control of the outcome – including who plays and who does not.

You can bring to the fight any number of other beings to help you succeed with the dreams that you each espouse.


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