Grandpa Bill talks Kelp (KK) +Common Factors that Work Together to Wear the Adrenal Glands Down

1) Life stress (the adrenals are one of the body's main worry/fear/life stress responders).

2) Sugar and other concentrated sweeteners (both natural and artificial). This includes concentrated stevia drops or white stevia powder concentrate, agave, maple syrup, and even an excess of honey or fruit in some instances when combined with oils or fats.

Sugar excesses stress the spleen, overwork the pancreas & adrenals, and increase bacterial/fungal overgrowth.

If you get spacey, jittery, begin to clear your throat, get depressed, or get drippy sinuses after a sweet intake, you have had too much.

3) Regular use of caffeinated beverages (especially coffee, mate´, and green/black/matcha tea). Caffeinated beverages also overstimulate the nervous system leading to nervous system exhaustion (which promotes shaky hands), and spleen/adrenal depletion (which increases chronic fatigue).

4) Caffeinated stimulants artificially raise the cortisol levels (your fight-or-flight stress response hormone). Cortisol excesses are a prime food source for viruses and mycoplasma. These pathogens are central causes of the inflammation and chronic fatigue so rampant in the world today.

5) Use of sugar, alcohol, stimulants, and recreational drugs exhaust the adrenals and deplete the kidney jing essence (the subtle energy that serves as your foundational life power).Depletion of kidney jing results in lowered vitality, lower immune response powers, greater susceptibility to disease, loss of fortitude & drive – in general, a lower quality of life.

6) Fungal/viral overgrowth, one of the most prevalent contributing factors to adrenal stress, is activated initially by:

a. The first dose of antibiotics ever taken (even as an infant)

b. Immunization shots laden with mercury (Thimerosal) or aluminum and other toxic substances (like formaldehyde)

c. Silver/mercury amalgam tooth fillings

d. Drinking and cooking with chlorinated/fluoridated water

e. Playing with mercury as a child

f. Mercury elixirs (mercury was once used as a medical treatment until the connection was made between mercury triggered neuron degeneration and numerous other health problems)

g. Exposure to farm and garden/household chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, chemical cleaners, etc.)

h. Exposure to radiation from nearby nuclear power plants, munitions factories, or nuclear testing facilities (airborne or water supply)

i. Use of birth control pills and other hormone replacement therapies Fungal/viral overgrowth is subsequently worsened by such things as:

a. The use of concentrated sweeteners on a regular basis (like agave, honey, cane sugar, xylitol, barley malt, high fructose corn syrup, etc.)

- especially when combined with an oil or a fat

- especially when combined with dairy products (i.e. latte)

b. The consumption of fried foods (like chips, french fries, fried chicken, etc.)

c. Regular use of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy (even bioidentical and glandulars)d. High consumption of nuts, seeds, and nut/seed butters (nuts and their butters feed the shingles/herpes/EBV viruses)

e. Daily consumption of meat resulting in sluggish digestion/over acid condition/putrefaction in the gut/viral-parasite proliferation (from dead animals moving slowly through the intestines at 98.6ºF)+f. The use of most vinegars which are very hard on the liver (except moderate amounts of umeboshi vinegar & coconut water vinegar)+


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