Hemp for Victory is a black-and-white United States government film made during World War II and released in 1942, explaining the uses of hemp, encouraging farmers to grow as much as possible.

Natives of a small island off the coast of China may have been the first to use hemp.

Archaeologists found pottery bearing impressions of cannabis cordAnd hemp’s use as a cloth for swaddling infants and bodies of the dead was mentioned in the sacred Confucian texts known as the “Book of Rites”.

Common household items can be made with hemp, from birdseed to ice cream.

, while unearthing a Stone Age Taiwanese village, according to the 1980 book, “Marihuana: The First Twelve Thousand Years” by ErnestWe are surrounded by words. They are spoken to and by us, written to persuade us, intrigue us, and inform us. Words are a major way that we communicate. Putting words together in creative and compelling ways is a big part of what marketing is all about. L. Abel.

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Without the hemp plant humanity would have a MUCH DIFFERENT STORY! Little do most people know that it has been literally woven into the fabric of our lives as beings on Mother Earth.

We are eternally thankful for the awareness about the gigantic VALUE and BENEFITS Cannabis Hemp brings to this world and has brought for possibly hundreds of thousands of years!


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