In today's Maine Mentor Moments, Grandpa Bill delves into the fascinating history of the term "boycott" and the man behind it, Charles Boycott. Back in 19th century Ireland, Charles Boycott, a land agent, faced a unique form of protest from his tenants. They refused to work for him, interact with him, or even sell him goods! This collective action, known as a boycott, became a powerful tool for social change.

Can you think of a recent boycott that resonated with you? Why or why why not?
As a business owner, how can you encourage ethical practices to avoid facing a boycott?

Share your thoughts! Leave us a voicemail at The BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour Voicemail Message Board and let's discuss the power of the boycott in today's world.


Grandpa Bill Delves into How a Community Stood Up and Stands Up NOW!

Boycotted! From 19th Century Ireland to Your 21st Century Inbox (#BoycottHistory) - informative, using a catchy verb ("Boycotted!"), and highlights the historical and contemporary relevance of the topic.

The Man Who Got Shunned: The Surprising Origin of the Boycott (#BusinessLessons) - This title uses humor ("Shunned") to pique interest and emphasizes the business applications of the story.

Don't Get Boycotted! Lessons from a Grumpy Land Agent (#MaineMentorMoments) - personalizing the story by mentioning the "grumpy" land agent and ties it back to our show's name and MAINE theme.

Beyond- A History Lesson from the Emerald Isle (#BHSalesKennelKelpHolisticHealingHourVoicemail) - playing and blending on our other interests (heath, wellness, and wealth!) and using a nickname for Ireland ("Emerald Isle") to creating intrigue.

The Power of "No": How a Community Stood Up (and You Can Too!) (#BusinessEthics) - focusing on the collective action aspect of boycotts and its potential application to business ethics.


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BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour

Retired holistic health enthusiast, Grandpa Bill, shares his wisdom and experiences in the realms of health, wealth, and well-being. Join Grandpa Bill on his journey of holistic health and personal growth. With over 45 years of experience in the industry, he has a wealth of knowledge to share on topics ranging from nutrition and supplements, to meditation and spirituality. In his retirement, Grandpa Bill is dedicated to sharing his insights and helping others to achieve their full potential. He is an intuitive thinker, humorist, star seed, poetry fan, with a passion for history and coins.

Hosted by Grandpa Bill, 45 year career now retired

Disclaimer:This podcast site content is provided for informational purposes only, and does not intend to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


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