Grandpa Bill today asks:

Sally Norton will be answering the following questions when she joins me in studio 3/9/23

What are oxalates and why are they so bad?

What are some signs you’ve eaten too many oxalates?

You say people eat tons of oxalates and don’t even realize it…which foods are the highest in oxalates?

Nutrition & Public Health Expert / Author of "Toxic Superfoods: How Oxalate Overload Is Making You Sick and How to Get Better"

About Sally

“My favorite health foods were actually making me sick!”  -ONE WOMAN’S BATTLE (& RECOVERY)


Sally K. Norton should have been the picture of health. She exercised regularly; did yoga; and ate a well-researched diet chock full of wholesome, nutritious foods. She even had an ivy league degree in nutrition.

…But her health was far from fabulous. She suffered from several physical and cognitive impairments including chronic fatigue, joint pain, and a severe sleep disorder. Doctors couldn't figure out why someone so young and “healthy” could be so unwell.  

Sally never imagined that her health problems could be related to her beloved health foods. After her career in health research and medical education ended due to her worsening condition, Sally finally connected the dots and recovered her health by lowering her oxalate intake.

“My favorite health foods (sweet potatoes and swiss chard) were making me sick all along! I had oxalate overload,” says Norton. “Many superfoods are high in oxalic acid, an organic compound which has been linked to numerous mental and physical health problems.”

Sally’s story is not unique. “Oxalate Overload” is a condition whose prevalence has skyrocketed in the era of green smoothies, chia bowls, and nut-based plant beverages.

Several celebrities including Liam Hemsworth have recently come forward with Oxalate Overload horror stories.

As a leading expert on oxalates in food, Sally has developed a loyal, devoted following on social media for helping people finally find relief.

Norton’s forthcoming book “Toxic Superfoods” examines common dietary mistakes, why we’re overlooking the oxalate problem, and what you can do about it.

In an interview or article, Norton can share her personal story, FASCINATING FACTS about food, nutrition, and what to eat for optimal health. Norton’s RECIPE IDEAS and PRACTICAL, ACTIONABLE ADVICE is applicable for all ages and demographics.

Sally Norton's account is managed by:

Farrow Communications

Learn More About Sally


Sally K. Norton, MPH holds a nutrition degree from Cornell University and a master’s degree in Public Health. Her path to becoming a leading expert on dietary oxalate includes a prior career working at major medical schools in medical education and public health research. Her personal healing experience inspired years of research that led to her forthcoming book, Toxic Superfoods, which releases on Dec. 27 and is available for pre-order  everywhere books are sold.

#Nutrition,#Pain Relief,#Sleep Deprivation,#Alternative Health,#Healthy Eating,#Dietitian,#Ketosis,#Alternative Medicine,#Wellness,#Science Based Nutrition,


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