Biodiversity for Malaysia is a monthly series which aims to get everyone on the same page when it comes to all things biodiversity-related, especially on issues surrounding the Convention on Biological Diversity post-2020 framework process, the 30X30 target, and more.  On this month's episode we ask, what exactly does protecting 30% of the planet’s environment look like, especially for biodiversity-rich but still  developing Southeast Asian countries? How will embracing the target provide what's needed by 2030 to ensure our planetary survival, while making good economic sense for countries like Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines? We get regional perspectives from Dr. Michael P. Atrigenio, an Assistant Professor at the Marine Science Institute from the University of the Philippines, Wichin Suebpala, a researcher at the Marine Biodiversity Research Group, from the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Ramkhamhaeng University, and Julian Hyde, the General Manager of Reef Check Malaysia.

Image credit: Shutterstock / Bernard S Tjandra