Join Adam and Rudi as they talk with Justin Cutroni about the recent changes to Google Analytics.  The conversation reviews the newest features of Google Analytics, how this might translate to a rumored paid version of GA, and what this means for the industry.   The conversation also covers the recent formation of Cardinal Path, a [...]

Join Adam and Rudi as they talk with Justin Cutroni about the recent changes to Google Analytics.  The conversation reviews the newest features of Google Analytics, how this might translate to a rumored paid version of GA, and what this means for the industry.   The conversation also covers the recent formation of Cardinal Path, a web analytics consultancy.

So download this podcast to your favorite mobile device or listen to the podcast here! If you have any comments or questions for the podcast, please use the comment section below.

Hosts:  Adam GrecoRudi Shumpert

Guests:  Justin Cutroni

Justin Cutroni is WebShare’s Director of Digital Intelligence. As a respected leader in the web analytics industry, he helps organizations integrate web analytics into their decision making processes. Justin commonly interacts with senior level management to drive the strategic use of web data and collaborates with marketing and IT teams to develop implementation plans and processes needed to generate actionable data and business insights. An active participant in the web analytics community, Justin speaks at various industry events with a strong passion for sharing knowledge and advancing the analytics industry.

Justin began his career with Accenture, working with financial services clients to redesign and change business processes with custom software. Most recently Justin held the position of director of analytics at EpikOne, where he consulted with hundreds of companies about Google Analytics and web analytics. Justin is also authorized by Google to teach Google Analytics seminars for success and has conducted numerous training events in the US and Europe.

Justin is the author of Google Analytics Short Cut, (O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2007) and Google Analytics (O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2010) and co-author of Performance Marketing with Google Analytics (Wiley, 2010). Justin holds a degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineer from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Music for the podcast was created by Patrick Ferland.
