Surveying the problems of the world around us can lead to anxiety and despair—or just resignation in the face of the sad reality of it all. Can you personally do anything about crippling inflation and national debt, massive government corruption, increasing promotion of immorality, raging wars, open border policies bringing rising crime and invading enemies, and even threats of nuclear conflagration? It doesn’t seem so. It’s important to pay attention to these things, and we do in this issue, but you’re not going to change the world today. It marches to a Satan-influenced, corrupted nature, and you yourself have not been immune. But there are things you can do to bring change to your world—your own life. It especially involves coming to know the true God, following His directives and taking on His nature through His Spirit. This will prepare you to help bring needed change to the world in the future—at the return of Jesus Christ. Download this issue in PDF.