Write What You Know. The old adage. It's what we discuss this week.


Mentioned in this episode:


Loki: Ragnarok And Roll

Dr. Who

Castle (TV Show)

Brandon Sanderson

Carl Jung

Boom Studios

R. A. Salvatore

T.L. McCallan

Jim Butcher

Myers Briggs


Bram Stoker

J. K. Rowling

TWILIGHT by Stephanie Meyer

Joseph Campbell

William Shakespeare

Jane Austen

Diana Gabaldon

J. R. R. Tolkien

C. S. Lewis

Clarkesworld Magazine

Jason Heller

Dead Poets Society (Movie)

CIRCLE OF MAGIC by Tamora Pierce

PAY IT FORWARD by Catherine Ryan Hyde

The Matrix (Movie)

Star Wars (Movie)

Forest Gump (Movie)

Star Trek (TV Show)

Dexter (TV Show)

Sherlock (BBC Modern Retelling)

BLINDNESS by José Saramago

Torchwood (TV Show)

DREADPENNY TALES Edited by Quincy J. Allen

Danielle Steele

Debbie Macomber

DIVERGENT by Veronica Roth

Aladdin (Movie)

Being There (Movie)