David Sparks is an Orange County, California business attorney, geek, podcaster on the Mac Power Users podcastblogger, and author who writes about finding the best tools, hardware, and workflows for using Apple products to get work done. David also writes for Macworld magazine and speaks about technology.

Mentioned in this episode:

Publishing on the iBooks Store
Why Email Isn’t Work. (And Why It Is) by Claire Diaz-Ortiz

The Mac Sparky Field Guides Series must be good.
It looks like The Lord of the Rings Extended DVD set!

Make sure to thank David on Twitter for appearing on this episode.

Don’t forget to grab your free audiobook from Audiobooks.com/todo

Please connect with me

Subscribe, rate, and review in iTunes

Check out more Noodle.mx Network showsThe Audacity to Podcast: "How-to" podcast about podcastingBeyond the To-Do List: Personal and professional productivityThe Productive Woman: Productivity for busy womenONCE: Once Upon a Time podcastWelcome to Level Seven: Agents of SHIELD and Marvel’s cinematic universe podcastAre You Just Watching?: Movie reviews with Christian critical thinkingthe Ramen Noodle: Family-friendly clean comedy

David Sparks is an Orange County, California business attorney, geek, podcaster on the Mac Power Users podcastblogger, and author who writes about finding the best tools, hardware, and workflows for using Apple products to get work done. David also writes for Macworld magazine and speaks about technology.

Mentioned in this episode:

Publishing on the iBooks Store
Why Email Isn’t Work. (And Why It Is) by Claire Diaz-Ortiz

The Mac Sparky Field Guides Series must be good.

It looks like The Lord of the Rings Extended DVD set!

Make sure to thank David on Twitter for appearing on this episode.

Don’t forget to grab your free audiobook from Audiobooks.com/todo

Please connect with me

Subscribe, rate, and review in iTunes

Check out more Noodle.mx Network showsThe Audacity to Podcast: "How-to" podcast about podcastingBeyond the To-Do List: Personal and professional productivityThe Productive Woman: Productivity for busy womenONCE: Once Upon a Time podcastWelcome to Level Seven: Agents of SHIELD and Marvel’s cinematic universe podcastAre You Just Watching?: Movie reviews with Christian critical thinkingthe Ramen Noodle: Family-friendly clean comedy


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