Peter Shankman is an American entrepreneur and author. He is best known for founding HARO (Help A Reporter Out). His new book is Faster Than Normal: Turbocharge Your Focus, Productivity, and Success with the Secrets of the ADHD Brain.

In this episode Peter talks with Erik on proactively setting up boundaries to limit the choices we have, and how that leads to freedom and to focus.

Mentioned in this episode:

Faster Than Normal Podcast
Forest App

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Check out more Network showsThe Audacity to Podcast: "How-to" podcast about podcastingBeyond the To-Do List: Personal and professional productivityThe Productive Woman: Productivity for busy womenONCE: Once Upon a Time podcastWelcome to Level Seven: Agents of SHIELD and Marvel’s cinematic universe podcastAre You Just Watching?: Movie reviews with Christian critical thinkingthe Ramen Noodle: Family-friendly clean comedy



Peter Shankman is an American entrepreneur and author. He is best known for founding HARO (Help A Reporter Out). His new book is Faster Than Normal: Turbocharge Your Focus, Productivity, and Success with the Secrets of the ADHD Brain.

In this episode Peter talks with Erik on proactively setting up boundaries to limit the choices we have, and how that leads to freedom and to focus.

Mentioned in this episode:

Faster Than Normal Podcast
Forest App

Please connect with me

Subscribe, rate, and review in iTunes

Check out more Network showsThe Audacity to Podcast: "How-to" podcast about podcastingBeyond the To-Do List: Personal and professional productivityThe Productive Woman: Productivity for busy womenONCE: Once Upon a Time podcastWelcome to Level Seven: Agents of SHIELD and Marvel’s cinematic universe podcastAre You Just Watching?: Movie reviews with Christian critical thinkingthe Ramen Noodle: Family-friendly clean comedy




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