Hear more from Amanda and Nicole and their partners Mike and Dave on allowing your creative impulses to shape your life choices, adopting a growth mindset at every stage of your career, how to accelerate learning by taking risks, and finding people that share your vision to help bring creative projects to life.

For our 100th episode of the podcast, we’re asking listeners to email us a short audio recording sharing one thing they’d like to see in the art world, as we imagine a better future.

Please keep the recording under 3 minutes and submitted by 2/20/22. Don't forget to tell listeners where they can find you work online! Please email us your recording at [email protected]

Listener Spotlight   @beyondthestudio 


Intro and Ad Music by: Suahn

Branding by: David Colson

Hear more from Amanda and Nicole and their partners Mike and Dave on allowing your creative impulses to shape your life choices, adopting a growth mindset at every stage of your career, how to accelerate learning by taking risks, and finding people that share your vision to help bring creative projects to life.

For our 100th episode of the podcast, we’re asking listeners to email us a short audio recording sharing one thing they’d like to see in the art world, as we imagine a better future.

Please keep the recording under 3 minutes and submitted by 2/20/22. Don't forget to tell listeners where they can find you work online! Please email us your recording at [email protected]

Listener Spotlight   @beyondthestudio 


Intro and Ad Music by: Suahn

Branding by: David Colson