Favorite quotes of the episode: “If I handed you a magic wand, what would your ideal day look like?”

“The effects of sleep deprivation can sneak into your life.”

“Trust your instincts – There’s no one right or wrong answer to parenting.”

Question for our listeners: “Can we use the word happy in the definition of happiness?”

Episode Overview

I kicked off 2019 with a promise to discuss big issues, big ideas and provide real-world actionable solutions that we can all implement in our daily lives as busy professionals.

I am super excited to continue my series on Entrepreneurship with Busy Professionals who are living the life of their dreams.  We are here today with September Morgan.  She is the founder of the Bluegrass Baby Co.


September’s unique career path 

Newborn care and sleep coaching

Unconditional support for new parents

Overcoming misconceptions

More info about the Bluegrass Baby Co. (Who they help and what they do)

5 Questions Segment

Q1. We know that the most successful and happy people have a morning routine, what do you do each morning or evening that sets your day up for success? Shocker—I love routine!  Morning, I wake up around 5:45ish, take the dog out, and sit down with my planner every morning and prioritize what I need to do within that time.  I also fill a square in my planner with gratitude.

I wind down at the end of the day with my Spotify playlist and a cup of tea.

Q2. What's your definition of Success? Living in your purpose, the cross-section of what you love, what the world needs, what you can get paid for and what you do well all combine.

Q3. What's your definition of Happiness? To be content with where you are and grateful for the journey.

Q4. What do you know now that you wish you would have known 10 years ago?  That being myself is enough, not to block my own blessings but to lean into who I am and what my strengths are. You have everything you need within you to succeed.

Q5. What do you think is the biggest issue facing busy professionals today?  Lack of sleep! We’d be so much more efficient and happy if we could just get enough sleep?



Instagram & Facebook @bluegrassbabyco

Join the Busy Professionals Who Thrive Tribe https://www.facebook.com/groups/busyprofessionalswhothrivetribe


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