Who do you need to contact to make your music career happen, get you gigs and help you move forward? Listen to Episode 3 of 'Success Beyond The Score' by Millicent. This Podcast is for musicians, singers, rappers and spoken word artiste finding their way in the music industry. Get your free copy of 'Revealed - 25 Secrets of the Successful Gigging Musician, Singer, Rapper and Spoken Word Artiste' here: https://www.successbeyondthescore.com/ Millicent Stephenson is a Multi-award winning saxophonist, at the time of recording Midlands Regional Committee member and Equalities sub-committee Member of the Musicians Union; Founder and Creative Director of Cafemnee and Harry Hartmann Fiberreed Endorser. Contact Millicent at www.millicentstephenson.com