Dear truth-seeker,

You feel deprived. Your needs are hungry. You are spent. Exhausted. Gutted.   You have conformed, constricted, contorted, and distorted yourself for others, who have been penetrating your energetic opening without your permission.   You’ve compromised yourself to manage their emotions at the cost of your own, because you’ve needed their okayness in order to have yours.

Much of your life has been such a performance that you can’t totally feel what’s true for you beneath all these layers. Let alone fully embody it.

And – when you let yourself dip beneath the numbness of the external control show – you touch grief. Grief at the ways you feel you have been violated, penetrated, and forced to be compliant. And maybe even rage.

You want to harness the clear and neutral power of your NO to all the external pushes and pulls on your energy, so you can be in alignment with your authentic, receptive, soft, and open-hearted YES.

I feel your desire to stop forsaking your needs for theirs. To be shored up, powerful, and well-fed.

You never have to abandon, forsake, deny, or betray yourself again.