As the paradigm of win and lose begins to fall away on Earth there is a call for new games and new constructs through which to learn and create.

In this 4 week live series The Diamond Children, Isis, and the Andromedan Heart Collective team up to assist us in this transformation.

As we further liberate the vibration of joy and the full expansion of our winged hearts we have the ingredients we need to construct these new paradigms and make way for the future generation of humanity!

For thousands of years the shadow game of victim/victimizer has been a primary paradigm for Earth consciousness. As the age of transparency has begun this paradigm is beginning to lose it’s hold, making way for new games of creation.

With the new generation of children beginning to come in and many more waiting, holding the frequency of diamond transparency around the ethereal field of Earth there is less and less room for the old games to continue.