Blue Soul Earth® founders Renee & Anthony ignite the human potential by teaching and speaking about heart-centered living and mind/body balance. They channel ancient wisdom and lead spiritual retreats around the world.

They channel the Ascended Masters, Seraphim energies such as Melchizedek and Metatron and the Angelic Realms. Two of their prime guides are Yeshua and Mary Magdalene who come forth with teachings and energetic transmissions, all of which are focused on balancing the masculine and feminine within each of us and how to best lead our daily lives from an I am who I am consciousness, moving beyond the triggers which keep us trapped in the shadows of our perceptions.

Regardless of your belief system, you’ll find Renee & Anthony’s Study with Spirit® courses, offerings and channelings riveting and transformative. Merkabah activations and healing energy transmissions are part of each course and session.