Beyond The Dice is a Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Actual Play Podcast.

Which takes place in a Cyberpunk world.

We realised that some of our listeners have not played Dungeons and Dragons before (or any other RPG) so this episode will act as a beginner's guide!
Ben and Luke talk about what RPGs are, the terms we use in the podcast and how we play or run an RPG & much, much more!

Come on a journey with Luke the DM, Jeff (Gaige), Ben (Cortaine), Peter (Spigs) and Travis (Little Moss) to experience the world of New Ettica.

If you like Dungeons & Dragons, Akira, Judge Dredd, Blade Runner, The Deus Ex video game series, hover cars and other rad stuff then you will love this.

Special Thanks to NRW Records for allowing the use of 'Crystal Protocol' by Waveshaper.

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