Alright, we're on to the final Lycanroc and it's kind of a dud to be honest. This rare and special doggo definitely deserved some better entries but don't worry, we make up for it by talking about locusts, Clifford, and Curious George. Follow along with the entries below:

Ultra Sun: Bathed in the setting sun of evening, Lycanroc has undergone a special kind of evolution. An intense fighting spirit underlies its calmness.

Ultra Moon: This strange form is the result of its evolving at dusk. It’s very rare in Alola.

Sword: This form of Lycanroc is normally calm and quiet. Once a battle begins, however, this Pokémon displays a ferocious fighting spirit.

Shield: These Pokémon have both calm and ferocious qualities. Their temperamental nature makes them a difficult species to raise.

Scarlet: Normally this Pokémon doesn’t even bark, but once it enters battle, it will relentlessly drive the opponent into a corner.

Violet: These Pokémon have both calm and ferocious qualities. It’s said that this form of Lycanroc is the most troublesome to raise.

BTB: Two wolves live inside this form of Lycanroc. Somehow, this makes it harder to raise. Weird!

Cover design by Kwesi Phillips

Music by Junichi Masuda and Go Ichinose

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