The Bulbasaur bonanza continues as we move onto it's angsty older sibling, Ivysaur! Callie is of course back once again to lend us her expertise in this exciting field as we explore just what makes everyone's favorite floral frog tick (hint: it's sunlight). Follow along with the entries below:

Red and Blue:

When the bulb on its back grows large, it appears to lose the ability to stand on its hind legs.


The bulb on its back grows by drawing energy. It gives off an aroma when it is ready to bloom.


Exposure to sunlight adds to its strength. Sunlight also makes the bud on its back grow larger.


If the bud on its back starts to smell sweet, it is evidence that the large flower will soon bloom.


The bulb on its back grows as it absorbs nutrients. The bulb gives off a pleasant aroma when it blooms.

Ruby & Sapphire:

There is a bud on this Pokémon’s back. To support its weight, Ivysaur’s legs and trunk grow thick and strong. If it starts spending more time lying in the sunlight, it’s a sign that the bud will bloom into a large flower soon.


There is a plant bulb on its back. When it absorbs nutrients, the bulb is said to blossom into a large flower.


To support its bulb, IVYSAUR’s legs grow sturdy. If it spends more time lying in the sunlight, the bud will soon bloom into a large flower.

Diamond Pearl & Platinum:

When the bud on its back starts swelling, a sweet aroma wafts to indicate the flower’s coming bloom.


It's a chonky champion with a big ol' bud that grows like buds do.



Rafflesia Arnoldii (stinking corpse lily):

Music by Junichi Masuda and Go Ichinose