Join us in the nest of bones this week as we discuss Vullaby's evolved form, Mandibuzz! We'll also cover: auspicious birthdays, the horrifying sins of actual vultures, bone collecting, and more!

Follow along with the Pokedex entries below:


It makes a nest out of bones it finds. It grabs weakened prey in its talons and hauls it to its nest of bones.


Watching from the sky, they swoop to strike weakened Pokémon on the ground. They decorate themselves with bones.

Black and White 2

They fly in circles around the sky. When they spot prey, they attack and carry it back to their nest with ease.


They adorn themselves beautifully with bones. This is supposedly an effort to attract males, but no male Mandibuzz have ever been found.


It circles in the sky, keeping a keen eye out for Pokémon in a weakened state. Its choicest food is Cubone.

Ultra Sun

It skillfully arranges the bones of its prey to construct its nest. Most of the bones are Cubone.

Ultra Moon

It’s always searching for food for Vullaby. When it finds a weak Pokémon, Mandibuzz swoops it right off to its nest.


Although it’s a bit of a ruffian, this Pokémon will take lost Vullaby under its wing and care for them till they’re ready to leave the nest.


They adorn themselves with bones. There seem to be fashion trends among them, as different bones come into and fall out of popularity.


Those Mandibuzz in the desert aren’t just going for a leisurely flight—they’re also looking for food. Other Pokémon are always on alert so that Mandibuzz won’t steal their meals!


The smuggest Pokemon in the world, it hunts the saddest and uses its bones for fashion, nests, etc. It sucks.

Music by Junichi Masuda