We all know that good business is founded on good relationships, but how do we really foster those and what can we change in ourselves, in order to be more attractive to the right clients for us?

Welcome to this episode of the Beyond Success Podcast. This series of conversations with business experts and captains of industry, is here to serve you in your growth as an entrepreneur. No matter what level of success you are at, there are always areas of growth open to us. So please join us in the collective uplift by listening, learning, enjoying and sharing this podcast!

In this episode Daniel speaks with business and mindset coach Alaina Schwartz. Alaina has helped so many clients to completely turn their businesses around, focus where they should be and step into a life of effortless flow and abundance.

We are wholistic beings, so are our businesses and so are our clients. We can not adopt an approach to entrepreneurship, that does not take the whole picture into account. That is - if we want to earn more and work less. A lot of us step out into the world of entrepreneurship, thinking that; if we are just great at what we do, or have the right message, or just focus on our alignment with the outcome of success… we will get there.

What we really need is the full picture, all the pieces of the puzzle, in order to get our businesses to their maximum potential.

Connect with Alaina here:

Website - www.alainaschwartz.com

Email - [email protected]

LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/alainaschwartz

Want to manifest money now? Play the 'Money Game' to harness the power of micro-shifting to attract abundance immediately. Get your Ebook for $1. Buy NOW.

Do you want inevitable & sustainable financial abundance, based on your own unique 'Money DNA'? Watch our brand new webinar

Interested in working with Dan 1-2-1? In collaboration with other highly successful experts, he will help you reach financial freedom in 6 months or less: Apply Here


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Timestamps of interest:

01:04 - Welcome Alaina (and what you won’t find about her in the show notes)!

05:57 - Taking the leap into entrepreneurship

09:18 - Acknowledging the pieces that have to come together, as an entrepreneur

12:10 - The fear of niching & trying to serve everyone

15:00 - What makes success?

18:12 - Vibration

20:35 - The myth that you have to work hard in order to succeed

24:10 - “You can’t read the label from inside the jar.” - Why you should hire a coach!

27:19 - Masculine & feminine/push & pull/hustle & flow - your business is all about polarity

34:22 - “Money for money’s sake, is a useless thing” - billionaires can live in scarcity

38:28 - The clients Alaina works with & the best way to connect with her

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