In this weeks episode, Chris and Todd take a deep dive discussion on this month’s intro to Beyond Strength’s internal (i.e. members only) “Why You’re Doing What You’re Doing” blog.

Here’s that intro (which we read to open the episode as well):

Before we jump into a detailed explanation of why you’re doing what you’re doing, let’s take a second to pause and think forward through 2023. What’s on your calendar? Or, what do you want to have on your calendar? Or, what do you want to kick ass at this year? There might be one, big thing. But there are likely several things that come to mind as you scan through the months to December. Take a moment to see yourself doing them. Not just doing them, but successfully. Doing them with gas left in the tank and feeling like you could keep going, like no obstacle could stop you. Now that you see it, pause to note what it feels like.

Maybe you envisioned a hard thing, a mountain climbed, a trail run, a river paddled. Or, maybe you saw yourself in your everyday life feeling better about who you are and what it’s like to live in your skin.

No matter what you saw, hold on to it. Bring it to mind often, especially when training feels hard and when the sheets wrap tightly around you, goading you to stay in bed. That moment, those moments, is why you’re training.

It’s why you’re watching your heart rate during Endurance class and why you’re doing all those reps during Strength class.

It’s why you’re getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, and eating like you give a shit.

It’s your why. See it. Grab it. Hold on to it.

Because this training block is hard, but you can do it. You will do it.

Let’s talk about the detailed reasons behind the training so you understand how your efforts are turning you into the person that conquers the mountain and owns the river.