Sure you’ve heard of consistency—everyone’s talking about that—but what about continuity?

In this weeks episode Chris and Todd break down the what and the how of the two most important training variables.

Many folks think in terms of workouts. They want to do a HIIT workout. Or they search the internet or magazines for a strength workout. Then they do a HIIT workout one day and a strength workout another day. On yet another day they might go for a run. But it’s all discombobulated because they were thinking small. They thought only about the individual workouts and not how workouts string together in a meaningful way to create a program. That program should fit into a bigger string of programs that composes a year-round training plan. This, sports fans, is how you create training continuity. You think big about training rather than small. You think about how each training day fits with the others. And then how each program leads to the next program so you’re doing the right things at the right time. It’s akin to thinking long-term and seeing the big picture.

Follow Chris’s Threads training journal here:

Read the accompanying blog and watch Cory’s video:

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Aaaaaaand now you have TWO options to join Beyond Strength:

1️⃣ Local to Northern Virginia: Sign up for your FREE intro at 🎁

2️⃣ Remote: Hybrid Athlete Coaching is launching now!! Interested in a FREE week? Shoot us a DM on instagram or through the chat box at

Talk soon! ✌️