Exploring: Somebody and Others (Fragment)

This play is called variously (because there isn't a proper title) Somebody and Others, or The Spoiling of Lady Verity, or Somebody, Avarice and Minister - dated to around 1547 to 1550 (the maximum range is from 1534 to 1562) and possibly printed around 1550 - it is apparently an adaptation of French play - which we've not seen. As with all these sessions it's probable that we've hared off on a false scent - especially regarding the nature of Minister, who Robert was clearly all wrong about. Though there are inconsistencies in the logic of the action that we flag up. There is also a question of character labelling - the part Somebody later in the text should perhaps be Simony, which seemed right at the time and still does - but she's not listed as a part in the various guides we have consulted.

Basically, we're probably wrong about everything and a look at the French play this is based on would help - there are many more questions than answers.

One day we will come back, yes one day, but till then, here's a starting point for a fuller production.

The Beyond Shakespeare Irregulars this episode were Liz Cole, Mark Scanlon, and Alan Scott – with host, Robert Crighton.

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