Eternal security, also known as “Once Saved Always Saved” (OSAS) is a centuries old discussion on the nature of salvation. The understanding of salvation remains unresolved and have divided denominations into doctrinal camps. In this series, join me on a journey that will explore the temporal and eternal perspective on salvation. This episode will explore Scriptures that depict the super ... Read More

Eternal security, also known as “Once Saved Always Saved” (OSAS) is a centuries old discussion on the nature of salvation. The understanding of salvation remains unresolved and have divided denominations into doctrinal camps. In this series, join me on a journey that will explore the temporal and eternal perspective on salvation. This episode will explore Scriptures that depict the super nature of Salvation and also more pertinent questions.

Romans 9:14-24


Is the question of eternal security a fruitful discussion?Is the Molinist view relevant?