On this episode of Beyond Just Christian Podcast, Brenna shares her most insightful tips to get through a breakup. Though this episode is catered more towards female listeners, these recommendations can also be applied to men who are grieving a loss of a relationship. Regardless of who’s listening, Brenna wants to remind the audience that the Lord is present in their hardships and heartbreaks. These trials aren’t something people can just “get over.” Rather, our feelings are valid and deserve to be addressed for what they are. With this advice, Brenna hopes to encourage anyone facing separation and help them get through it.

Scriptures Mentioned:
1. Isaiah 26:3
2. Psalm 73:25-26:
3. Mark 5:34

Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Who are the people I trust to go to with my feelings and neediness?

2. In what ways can I fully address my suffering instead of trying to “get over it?” Where am I at mentally and emotionally? (Be honest in your evaluation of yourself and your emotions.)

3. Have I faced any NHL feelings? (Neediness, horniness, loneliness) How can I set healthy boundaries to prevent falling into these categories when facing temptations and enticements?

4. What are some positive “I-Can-Get-Through-This” songs I can add to my playlist? What songs empower me without lyrically dismembering a man (or a woman)?

5. What are some weaknesses in myself that I’d like to address and strengthen before entering a new relationship?

6. How long do I need to take a social media fast for? Why would this be beneficial for me?

7. What prayers can I say over my ex? How can I pray goodness over him (or her)?

8. What new skills, hobbies, or goals do I want to dedicate myself to and try?

9. Do I have a professional counselor I can see? If not, would I consider one?

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