Michelle Patire is a writer, barista, daughter, and sister. On today's episode, she shares her testimony about her past that involves her tug a war relationship with Jesus and New Age beliefs. While listeners dive into part one of her story, they'll learn how she understood God growing up, how she reacquainted herself with church while living in New York, what she experienced in her rough place when she wondered if Jesus was who He said He was, and how she was redeemed from the world and strengthened her faith. We hope that listeners will leave this podcast informed of the differences between the world's way and God's way.

Where to find Michelle: Tumblr: Psalmsandstories.tumblr.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/mishell.rose?utm_medium=copy_link

Comment on my Listener Feedback Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qFPBsYGy1G7zXa7dNcY6X1Mw79t0CKQIm_vE73sl21c/edit?chromeless=1

Scripture reference involving the word "scales": Acts 9:1-19

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