Is it ever too early or too late to become a successful entrepreneur?

Hell no! 

Not many people can say they’ve started two successful businesses from scratch, built a £1m brand in their teens, traveled the world speaking internationally, had dinner with the UK Prime Minister, and won 10 national & international business and entrepreneur awards (including The UK Young Entrepreneur of the Year).

...And even fewer people can say they’ve done all that before they were 21 years old.

I met this week’s guest when she interviewed me for her Too Big For Your Boots podcast, and after hearing more about her story, I knew I wanted to have her on Beyond Influential to share it with you. 

CEO & Founder Liv Conlon left school at 16 years old to start her first business, The Property Stagers. By 19, she had built it into a £1m brand in an industry that was basically non-existent in the UK—home staging—and since then she has not only continued to grow her business, but her personal brand as well.

It’s too common to dismiss someone because of their age or lack of life experience, but as is the case here, this can be a big mistake. Liv has already been in business longer than most entrepreneurs stay in business, and that includes entrepreneurs of all ages. 

Liv will also be releasing her new book, Too Big For Your Boots, on March 12, 2021 (check it out here:, which documents her journey so far as well as serves as the ultimate 'how to' guide for young entrepreneurs looking to start a business of their own with no start up funds and no experience. 

I’m excited to share this conversation with you because there is a lot to learn from Liv’s story. From building her brand and business to diversifying revenue streams to the challenges she’s faced along the way, we dig into the nitty gritty of her business and entrepreneurial experience. 

On Ep. 148, we cover:

Founding The Property Stagers: How she started a business at 16, scaled it to a £1million+, and expanded her product offerings Being taken serious: How she helped people recognize the value of her services  The day-to-day operations inside her business, letting go of the little things & how her management style has evolved over time How she leveraged her personal brand to successfully grow her business, gain visibility, and turn it into an asset Her decision to leave school, assumptions about entrepreneurs, why you need to have a meaningful purpose to succeed, and more!


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  Other Helpful Links:

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Check out Liv’s Book, Too Big For Your Boots here:

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