Healing Sexuality can only happen when we learn acceptance. Sex is a bit of a taboo topic in our society and that seems backwards… How many people in the world are at war within themselves and struggling with accepting their sexuality? This creates a society of shame around sexuality: one of the most important parts of being a human. Freyja Inanna creates healing and powerful transformation in the realm of sexual shame, trauma, and relationships to help shift societal limitations in these areas. Freyja is deep in the work of helping folks overcome confusion and accept their inner sexual nature. Today we will talk about expressing sexuality and how that’s an important aspect of moving the species forward in a consciousness evolution. Strap in for a great show! Want to book a free consultation with Freyja to begin your healing? Go to: https://meetme.so/inannasanctuary-consultation .... To learn more about everything Freyja and her husband Michael are doing, go over to www.inannasanctuary.com