Want to learn how to create law of attraction affirmations? Do Affirmations work? Well, it depends on how you use them… Here’s the challenge: So many folks these days are attempting to get spiritually inclined folks to believe that the Law of Attraction works by just creating simple Affirmations that will attract money, manifest love, and create whatever you want in life. As if just making a vision board and imagining yourself on a Yacht will somehow make that appear in your backyard tomorrow… Here’s the truth about creating affirmations: They are meant to help you uncover limiting beliefs. What’s a limiting belief? It’s some sort of belief that is holding you back, usually at the subconscious level. For example, maybe you have a limiting belief that you don’t deserve success? Here’s the thing: you probably are not aware that you have a limiting belief around self-worth. Limiting beliefs are sneaky like that… It is probably hidden under some other type of belief that makes a bit more sense to your conscious mind. “I don’t have time” “I don’t know how to do XYZ” “It’s too hard to do XYZ” “XZY is unrealistic” Etc. etc. Oftentimes, these are just different versions of limiting beliefs that are oftentimes the culprit of our failures in life. Limiting beliefs like these demons: “I don’t deserve success” “I don’t love myself” “I’m not good enough” And so on… Want to learn how to eliminate limiting beliefs? It all starts with Affirmations. In this video, I’m going to breakdown what I call “Law of Attraction Affirmations” that help you eliminate limiting beliefs without a bunch of hippy bullshit that will just leave you feeling confused. Law of Attraction Affirmations work by helping you to visualize your goals as something that already exists. Imaging your goals as already achieved does NOT make them appear by magic. What it does is help you uncover limiting beliefs like the ones I mentioned above. When you uncover the limiting belief, you are not starring the problem right in the face. You are more than ready to heal, overcome limiting beliefs, and move forward towards your goal. Make sure you read this post on my blog about the next steps in the process. https://beyondhomosapien.com/is-the-l... Here’s the thing: Uncovering limiting beliefs is just the first step. It’s the foundation of what I call the “Manifestation Pyramid”. You can learn more about the Manifestation Pyramid at this post on the blog: https://beyondhomosapien.com/the-mani... It’s a system I’m creating to help you attract money, manifest love, create success, overcome limiting beliefs, and conquer your goals. Let’s dive into this topic!