Trauma in a variety of forms is holding back our world. What is trauma? Effectively, an emotional state where a person is unable to step into and become the individual they are meant to be due to immense hardship suffered. Psychologically, traumatic incidents can be not fully processed by the brain due to the severity of the incident. When this happens, it can lead to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) because the brain is unable to process the event due to the severe trauma. When this happens, it can result in the brain remaining in a state where it believes that the incident is still happening at that moment, even if it happened many years before.

Overcoming trauma necessitates a societal movement towards collective healing. In truth, our entire society is traumatized in one way or another due to our disconnection with nature and our thrust towards a more anxious and stressful world that we all desperately want to overcome.

How do we collectively heal from trauma?

Starting from a place of love and compassion can help lead us towards ultimate healing from trauma. When we understand how important it is to empathize with another’s experience, we can begin to collectively heal and start overcoming trauma. When this happens at a collective level, we can free ourselves to move forward toward a better horizon.

On this episode of Beyond Homo Sapien, I talk to Jacque Ecuyer about overcoming trauma. Jacque is a life-coach and specialist in this area who helps folks move past trauma whether it be emotional trauma, overcoming childhood trauma, or a variety of other issues the client may have suffered.

On this show, we are talking about overcoming trauma and how this can collectively heal ourselves from our previous wounds. Jacque shared his own story of overcoming trauma in his own life and revealed the importance of a man tapping into his own emotional strength. Throughout history, men have been incorrectly taught to stifle and hide emotions and operate from a place of lesser emotional intelligence. Unfortunately, folks have been told that this is how a man can be "strong". However, when we dive into the real issues behind a person's emotional development, we realize that true strength comes from confronting demons and overcoming our own personal trauma. By doing so, we become a powerful role model for others. This is real strength.

Want to watch the video version of this episode? Check it out here: