How times have changed. From running around with Joe at Skippers, Ozzies and anywhere else our colleagues and buddies took us out at night, to now having a podcast conversation about his twenty-five years of business success and global excursions. Similar to many Miami alumni, he started his professional life via an internship through a connection in MUSF. That led to a project of “finding a business we can invest in”. He did, which sent him to Boulder, CO after school, and he shares in the pod what life was like being part of a start-up (and one that was soon acquired). He has had significant roles at adidas, The North Face, Newell Brands, and many more. He currently is an advisor for OROS (and check out a pod on those guys later in the month). We opened the conversation about the difference of living in Sonoma to being born-and-raised in Middletown, OH.