David Fleming is a senior writer for ESPN and has written numerous stories for The Magazine and espn.com. He has also authored two books – Noah’s Rainbow (a father’s memoir) and Breaker Boys (the stolen 1925 NFL title). The passion in his voice when talking about Miami is infectious. He uses that same passion when writing too. If you haven’t read his work, search for it. It’s worth your time. In the pod we spend time talking about the art of listening, relationships, and how to earn trust, be it with your writing subject or even family, friends or peers. When asked about Miami, he starts by saying “and when I got to campus”…what’s incredible is that everyone who went to Miami nails that sentence. There is something special driving into Oxford that keeps you there. Lastly, check out the book Noah’s Rainbow. It’s written for parents who are grieving the death of a child and is particularly geared towards fathers but it’s broad enough to appeal to anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one or who cares about someone who is grieving. It will also serve anyone searching for perspective or hope in life.