This is the week's News Roundup episode. We'd hoped to have a Question of the Week for you too, but we had a technical hitch in recording and it'll be out at some point in the next couple of weeks instead, with a deep dive on Apple earnings as usual next week. For today, we cover two other companies' earnings: Twitter and Amazon. Both offered more of the same, albeit in very different ways, with Twitter seeing more revenue declines and anemic user growth, while Amazon posted rapid growth but a big drop in margins. We also talk about Apple's culling of the iPod line and the iPod's historical significance, and Adobe's announcement of the end of life for Flash.

As usual, the show notes below include links to all these stories on Tech Narratives.

News stories we covered:

• Twitter Earnings:
1. Release from Twitter:
2. Jan's take:

• Amazon Earnings:
1. Release from Amazon:
2. Jan's take:★-amazon-reports-strong-growth-much-smaller-margins-in-q2/

• iPod Line Culled:
Business Insider:

• Death of Flash:
1. Axios:
2. Jan's take:

You can also find the Beyond Devices Podcast on iTunes (, in the Overcast app (, or in your podcast app of choice.

As ever, we welcome your feedback via Twitter (@jandawson / @aaronmiller), the website (, or email ([email protected]).