Steve Fredlund asks,

”What causes leaders to be unhappy?"
"Have you been a happy leader?"
"Just what do you mean when you tell someone you’re not having a ball?”

Are you making decisions by default?  Most leaders do.  Listen as Steve explains how we just go along with the easiest path not really knowing why.

15 years ago Steve began a quest to become a happier leader.  While that journey has been up, down, and sideways, he has learned some of the major forces behind leader unhappiness.

These insights are bringing clarity and hope to many leaders he had the fortune of sharing with because the good news is that there is a cure to our unhappiness; it is not too late to reverse the effects of years contributing to our growing unhappiness.

Steve Fredlund spent 25 years in Fortune 500 companies including Medtronic, 3M, Thrivent Financial, and Allianz; he has an MBA and is a fellow of the society of actuaries.  Steve is a 2 Time TEDx speaker and East African Humanitarian.  


"Remember to keep your journey healthy, positive, and be proactive."


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There is always more to the story.  Find out what it is in this week's episode of Beyond Clean With GEM

For educational videos on healthy and proactive cleaning, be sure to check out the Academy YouTube channel at Academy of Cleaning.
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